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Fuzz's picture

I stumbled across Mordhau in my travels. It looks like Chivarly, but with a major focus on improving the melee component, which honestly I thought was quite good at the time, but check out their devblog videos. They’ve put a lot of effort into improving that area. It looks like it could be a hugely fun game.

I’ll be keeping an eye on this one.


n0mad's picture

p0learms f0r the win

Always like a game that supp0rts skill 0ver twitching…

c0unt me in….


Fuzz's picture

Windows, Mac, Linux

Looks like it will have Linux support. Time to be hacking and slashing with Slacker again!

Fuzz's picture

... welll

Their this page says Linux support….

This page is less convincing:

Robag's picture

owww well off with

his head, looks good for an alpha build.


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